Doctor’s Search

Tag: unilateral knee replacement

March 3, 2019

Hi. She is Edith from Uganda. I must confess the time I saw her first, the guest was kinda cold and upright direct.

Why so;

Long flight | hotel | guest house | transportation | weather | New Delhi | 7 degrees C. | Winter’s….. Oh shucks I get it and adding lethargy and Joints Pain (both, left and right) too.

So Now what

Let’s be simple. Let’s ask her what’s troubling her, for how long, how can we do the assessment, medical prognosis, Let’s plan her treatment, Let’s give her relief. Although above all – Let her take rest for a day, ?.

Diagnosis; Total Knee Replacement of both knees a.k.a B/L TKR.

The Judgement Day;

The saying says: Actions & ‘Pics’ speak

louder than words.

-Sandy Sandiep Duchana |