Doctor’s Search

Category: Blog

March 3, 2019

Hi. She is Edith from Uganda. I must confess the time I saw her first, the guest was kinda cold and upright direct.

Why so;

Long flight | hotel | guest house | transportation | weather | New Delhi | 7 degrees C. | Winter’s….. Oh shucks I get it and adding lethargy and Joints Pain (both, left and right) too.

So Now what

Let’s be simple. Let’s ask her what’s troubling her, for how long, how can we do the assessment, medical prognosis, Let’s plan her treatment, Let’s give her relief. Although above all – Let her take rest for a day, ?.

Diagnosis; Total Knee Replacement of both knees a.k.a B/L TKR.

The Judgement Day;

The saying says: Actions & ‘Pics’ speak

louder than words.

-Sandy Sandiep Duchana |

March 3, 2019

Mother Victoria (our patient, aged 57 years) and Chief Matthew have one thing in common – both are married to each other for more than 38 years (Amen). This couple from Lagos, Nigeria was pure fate that they met us. Our meeting happend at some swanky (ahem ahem) private hospital and we just started talking…you know general stuff and then suddenly we were asked to take care of her. 

Now come to the Medical Part: She thought that she’s a heart patient but the Echo report was clean and yet she was troubled. She thought there’s a problem in her legs but the x-rays of knees were clean and yet she was troubled. Therefore, what’s troubling you, Mother…. I’m in Pain ‘is the answer’. Now hold on a bit.. is that all….yes Mr. that’s all what it is. 

Now comes the solution: She underwent a thorough investigations and the MRI whole spine showed degenerative changes both at cervical (head) and lumbar (back) region of the spine. So what you do in such scenario. My answer – You act. You decide. You proceed. Victoria underwent twin spine surgeries to get relieved from back and lower back pain (Cervical spine surgery and Lumbar Spine Surgery) Fawn-Weaverto release the compression of the nerves and fixated by the best spine surgeon in india at gap of 15 days. And the final outcome is this figure of speech states “Happily ever after is not a fairy tale. It’s a choice”. 

-Sandy Sandiep Duchana.

March 2, 2019

 Hi. Meet Miss Rehana from Nairobi, Kenya. A woman, a wife and a mother. Has been living life in Nairobi with everything and a strong will to face the world inspite of hearing aid problem since childhood. Upon meeting us it’s like saying “Sometimes you find things and they change your life”…

And may be the reason she decided to come to us and get the hearing aid situation sorted. Got herself checked and everything upon discussion, opted for a permanent solution to undergo Cochlear implant surgery over the digital hearing aid option.  

A cochlear implant (CI) is a surgically implanted neuroprosthetic device that provides a sense of sound to a person with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss. Cochlear implants bypass the normal acoustic hearing process, instead replacing it with electric hearing. Namely, the sound sensation comes from the sound that is converted to electric signals which directly stimulate the auditory nerve. The brain adapts to the new mode of hearing, and eventually can interpret the electric signals as sound and speech.

After the surgery which took only 1 day’s admission in the hospital and adjustment’s of the sound frequencies – I asked her what kind of sound would make her feel good and she was being very adorable in saying that the clear sound of the laughter of her kids would just make her day and post surgery onwards it’s going to be awesome. Only Awesome. Nothing in between. 

-Sandy Sandiep Duchana | www.medsolin.comYOUR VOICE IS MY FAVOURITE SOUND

Posted in Blog, image posts by Medsolin | Tags:
September 15, 2016

It was a straightforward spine surgery operation comprising the extraction of the part of the spine disc, which caused the nerve root to be pressurized. I learned a bunch about it, took a bunch of research to choose the correct professional and hospital for therapy. But it has succeeded.

I have been experiencing from nerve compression in the L4-L5 region of the lumbar spine for a few months and have attended local physicians as many occasions as possible to relieve my continuous pain and situation. I have always been recommended to bring medication, remainder + physiotherapy meetings.

After a fight of more than 4 months, I chose to look for an alternative to be handled ‘ Surgical ‘ and began doing an internet search-whenever I used to write ‘ finest spine surgeon ‘ to handle my medical condition, a number of quotes would appear and each of them would represent the greatest alternatives, whether it was a doctor’s private page, a hospital’s blog or a medical tourism associated blog.

Posted in Blog by Medsolin
September 8, 2016

A heart transplant is the surgical substitution of the diseased heart of a person with the core of a healthy donor. The donor is an individual who died and whose family agreed to donate the organs of their loved one.

People who have developed heart failure (end phase) but are otherwise healthy may be regarded for cardiac transplantation. Doctors at Medsolin take the time to get to understand you and work with you to deliver precisely the care you need.

Our physicians and transplantation team will work with you to address your individual needs, wishes and lifestyle to determine the most suitable therapy for you, which may be a heart transplant or other therapies that are more suitable to your particular scenario.

Posted in Blog by Medsolin
September 4, 2016
Posted in Blog by Medsolin
August 20, 2016

One of today’s most life-threatening circumstances and one that everyone undoubtedly wishes to prevent is cancer. While most individuals recognize the seriousness of cancer pain, not everyone really knows why cancer is happening.

What causes it to happen? What can you do to avoid and/or overcome it, more importantly?
Let’s go through some of the facts you need to understand.
As some of you understand other than Still-What Is Cancer?
To answer the cancer question, you need to understand that first’ cancer’ is the name provided to a number of associated illnesses.
What’s in common with them? There are cells in all types of cancer

Cancer often begins in just one region of the skin and quickly spreads to adjacent regions, improving the seriousness and effect of cancer on your lives.
In an ordinary good organ, when cells age, they ultimately kill and fresh cells are created to substitute them. This mechanism is changed in cancer. Now, the cells become unstable, ancient, or harmed, and instead of aging as they should, they live.

Posted in Blog by Medsolin
August 14, 2016
Posted in Blog by Medsolin
August 5, 2016
Posted in Blog by Medsolin
July 30, 2016
Posted in Blog by Medsolin